1. Main page created. (mhr)
2. 1s branch page installed. (mhr)

1. 0s, 2s, 5s, 0t, 1t branch pages installed. (mhr)

1. 3s, 4s, 6s, 8s, 2t branch pages installed. (mhr)
2. Coupled mode page installed. (mhr)

1. Tables of coeffs and uncertainties installed. (mhr)

1. Minimum values applied to coefficient uncertainties. (mhr)
2. Tables of kernels added. (mhr)
3. Degenerate freq and Q uncertainties modified. (mhr)

1. Description of kernels installed. (mhr)

1. Updated all cst and error tables; updated all splitting
	functions and cst plots. (jsr)
2. Added plots of frequency and Q for each branch. (jsr)
3. Added plots of along-branch correlation for 0s,1s,
	2s,3s,4s,5s,0t, and 1t branches, as well as for
	the 0s-0t coupling. Plots for the 4s5s pseudo-
	branches are included. (jsr)
4. Added plots of correlation to S12_WM13 and SH.10c.17 for
	0s,1s,2s,3s,4s,5s,0t,1t and 2t branches, as well as
	for the 0s-0t coupling. (jsr)

1. Finalized all cst and error tables; updated all splitting
	functions and cst plots. (jsr)
2. Finalized all along-branch freq and Q plots. (jsr)
3. Finalized all along-branch correlation plots. (jsr)
4. Finalized all along-branch model comparison plots. (jsr)
5. Sign reversed on all spheroidal-toroidal coupling cst's. (jsr)
6. Errors or cst's adjusted for the following multiplets
	0s10err 0s11cst 0s11err 0s12cst 0s12err 0s13err
	0s14err 0s15err 0s16err 0s17err 0s18err 0s19cst
	0s19err 0s20err 0s21err 0s7err 0s8err 0t13err
	0t15cst 0t15err 0t16err 0t18cst 0t20err 0t21cst
	0t21err 0t4err 0t7err 1s2cst 1s2err 1s8err 1t5err
	1t6cst 1t6err 1t9cst 1t9err 2s10cst 2s13cst 2s13err
	2s7cst 2s7err 2s9err 3s2err 3s8err 3s9cst 3s9err
	4s3err 4s4cst 4s4err 5s4err 6s1err 6s3err
	0s11_2s7err 1s5_2s4err 2s5_1s6err 4s4_1t8cst 4s4_1t8err 

1. Error discovered in "corrected" multiplet Q values.  These
	values have been removed from the table of frequency
	and Q, and frequency-Q plots have been removed pending
	re-estimation of bias and uncertainty in Q.  We 
	apologize for any confusion or incovenience caused
	by the errant information.  At this time, we believe
	that the new corrections will be much smaller than
	those previously posted, and therefore our original,
	uncorrected Q estimates are still listed.

1. New degenerate frequency and Q table installed

1. New structure coefficient and error tables installed.  Most
	uncertainties have increased 10-20% relative to the
	previous catalogue.  
2. New structure coefficient plots installed.
3. Research description now includes a more detailed explain-
	ation of structure coefficient normalization.

1. Tables and plots of cross-coupling kernels replaced.  An error
   in the version of the subroutine used to generate the previous
   set of kernels has been corrected.  Changes are most significant
   for 1s3-3s1, 4s4-2t8, and 3s8-6s3.  Thanks to Chaincy Kuo of
   Berkeley who spotted symptoms of a problem in the 1s3-3s1 kernels.

1. Plots of cross-coupling structure coefficients changed to
	show corrected (see 11/3 note above) predictions from
	models S12_WM13 and SH.10c.17.
1. Updated references to Resovsky and Ritzwoller, 1998a,b.
2. Included links to abstracts (text files) of these papers
3. Removed link to non-existent degree 7 table
4. Added link to 2T branch page.
5. Added link resovsky@abdu.colorado.edu mailbox.
6. Added "3-D Mantle Models" section.
	* links to maps of CU degree 8 mantle shear velocity
	  model MM2_L12D8, which is the result of inversions
	  of our normal mode structure coefficient catalogue,
	  displayed together with maps of the spherical
	  harmonic degree 1-8 components of other recent
	  global models.
	* link to an animated GIF of these map comparison
	  plots which "moves" down through the mantle